Mark Roberts
Galliford Try
Lead H&S Advisor
Mark Roberts is a former member of our armed forces. He is an individual who has gone through a lot of personal challenges yet in his role with his new organisation has truly thrived and in truth has become a shining light to inspire his colleagues to talk about their own personal challenges around mental health. He was part of a tank command that was blown up in conflict in Afghanistan, which resulted in him having to witness, at first hand, colleagues losing their lives, before he was discharged on medical grounds from the army.
Mark has faced very many physical and emotional challenges on his journey including being diagnosed with PTSD . But his bravery and compassion goes beyond the battlefield and each time he has overcome those challenges to share his stories and his experiences and teaches the importance of truly see the people you work so you can spot the danger signals and step in to support.
Mark selflessly puts others before himself and fights his demons so others can learn and understand that one that one simple act of support could save a life.