Claire Bennett
Solar Gates
Instaboom Production Engineer
Claire isn’t your typical hero; she is somebody who hit rock bottom, whose daily life consisted of the four walls of a prison cell, but instead of allowing that to be her master, with the support of peers retook control of her life and is now on the verge of rehabilitation into society with a bright future ahead of her.
In the short time that Claire Bennett has been working on day release at Solar Gates, she has learned the industry from scratch and been consistently brilliant at her job. Her willingness to learn and demonstrate best practice in her work has seen her rise rapidly to become Team Leader within months of joining the team and she has proved she is more than capable of being successful in a male dominated industry.
Claire is a natural leader, instinctively protective of her workers, and constantly looking out for their mental health as well as the high productivity of her team. – many of whom are also on day release from prison and as such have extra and specific mental loads that other workers wouldn’t.