Record number of entries in a single day as deadline for nominations looms
With just two days to go until entries close for this year's Highways Heroes awards the organisers are delighted to announce that in one day alone there have been in excess of 30 nominations for this year's event.
Already nominations have exceeded previous years with in excess of 150 already ready received for this year but there is still time to nominate your unsung hero with entries closing at 5pm on Friday 23rd June.
The Highways Heroes Awards come after a time of unprecedented change not only in our industry, but as part of our everyday lives and be recognised at a special glittering ceremony at the Grand Connaught Rooms on 30th November
Speaking, the awards deadline, co-founder Kevin Robinson said, .
“The clock his now ticking for entries for this year's Highways Heroes... as entries close at 5pm this coming Friday.
"I realise that some of you will think that those little acts of kindness and plain and simple human decency may not be something worthy of recognition, but they are.
"These awards are about recognising the good in society and our industry, something never more important than at this challenging time."
From acts of bravery to acts of kindness and everything in between our teams are amazing and especially after the last year we have all experienced I thinks it is great that we take this opportunity to stop – take a breath – and celebrate just some of these stories, recognise their impact and the extraordinary actions and commitments shown from the Highways Heroes who go to work every day across our Sector.
The Highways Heroes awards are unique as the only ceremony which recognises this and to see so many nominations so quickly clearly shows how much we value our people.
The Highways Heroes are principally supported by National Highways with Arcadis as the principal sponsor and significant support from across the sector with many tier 1 and 2 contractors committed to the event.